The National Democratic Front of the Philippines International Relations Office (NDFP-IRO) condemns the recent US proclamation of Edmundo Gonzales as Venezuelan president months after Maduro won the July elections, which flagrantly disregards the fresh mandate given to Maduro by the Venezuelan people and represents a direct assault on their sovereignty and independence.

“This interventionist move follows a pattern of US regime-change operations aimed at enforcing its hegemony in Latin America. Through electoral sabotage, misinformation campaigns, orchestrated street violence by mercenary “commanditos,” and efforts to incite military rebellion, the US has sought to destabilize Venezuela and delegitimize its democratically elected government.”, declared the NDFP-IRO.

Under the pretext of restoring “democracy,” the US employs the Monroe Doctrine to justify these aggressive actions, rooted in its historical claim to dominate the Western Hemisphere. Such actions have escalated under successive US administrations, including the Trump regime, which imposed crippling sanctions, orchestrated a failed CIA-backed coup attempt, and declared Juan Guaidó, another US puppet, as “interim president” of Venezuela in 2019. These efforts were designed not only to unseat Maduro but to reassert US control over Venezuela’s vast oil and gold reserves.

Venezuela has become the primary battleground in the US’ regime-change agenda in Latin America, reflecting its desperation to maintain global dominance. Across the world, US imperialism pursues wars of intervention and aggression, provoking conflicts on multiple fronts, including Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. These acts are driven by its obsession to uphold a unipolar world order under its economic and political control.

Yet, the Venezuelan people and their government remain steadfast in asserting national independence. Their defiance echoes the struggles of oppressed peoples worldwide who resist US imperialist domination, fight for self-determination, and seek to reclaim control over their resources. From the Philippines to Palestine, from India to Colombia, oppressed classes and nations are rising against imperialist exploitation and intervention.

The NDFP-IRO added that, “The recent initiative of the Venezuelan government to convene a global conference against fascism and neofascism highlights the urgency of building an international united front against US imperialism. Likewise, the NDFP’s recently concluded International Theoretical Conference on National Liberation from Imperialism represents a vital contribution to efforts to build the broadest united front against US imperialism. Revolutionary forces across the globe must support such efforts to strengthen the collective resistance against imperialist wars and interventions.”

The NDFP IRO stands in solidarity with the Venezuelan people as they resist US imperialism and defend their sovereignty. Their struggle exemplifies the broader fight of oppressed nations striving for liberation from imperialist domination.