“The current war in Ukraine generates favorable conditions for the revolutionary proletariat in the world to expose the true nature of the conflict in the context of the rotten capitalist system and the worsening exploitation against the world's working people.” Thus declared the Communist Party of the Philippines on 24 February, exhorting proletarian parties around the world to strengthen their initiative to fight fascist forces and the imperialist war, and advance the revolutionary struggles in their countries.

The CPP said that US imperialism dominates the “narrative” about the armed conflict in Ukraine, demonizing Russia and obscuring the US government’s role in intervention and provocation of the armed conflict. Large international news agencies and media outlets, it said, “echo the US line”.

In a separate statement, CPP Founding Chairman Prof. Jose Maria Sison explained that it’s the US and UK who are “the most aggressive in providing weapons and military training to the armed forces of the Kyiv regime… accusing Russia of invading the Ukraine long before the current special military operation declared by Russia.”

Prof. Sison added that the US and NATO have been long obsessed “with a blitzkrieg to attack the Donbass region and provoke Russia.” As early as December 2021, Russia and the people’s republics of Donetsk and Lugansk in the Donbass region “have been forewarned of the aggressive plans of the US and NATO,” he said.

The US, Prof. Sison stressed, “has been making the war provocations to assert and reinvigorate its hegemony over NATO and Europe, favor its own oil interests, stop the Nord Stream 2 and prevent Europe from accessing gas from Russia, and advance its geopolitical interests in its inter-imperialist contradictions with Russia and China.”

The CPP pointed out that the US and its NATO allies aim to change the current imperialist division of the world in terms of trade and investment, as well as spheres of influence and hegemony. On the other hand, Russia's defense of the Donbass region and attacks against Ukraine's military facilities seek to preserve and strengthen the current division that favors Russian imperialist interests.

The CPP affirms that the US has been provoking Russia by pushing Ukraine’s inclusion in the NATO, allowing the US and its NATO allies to position their military forces on Russia’s borders. Military expansion into Ukraine is part of the strategic aim of the US to grab Russia's oil market in Europe for itself, the CPP said.

The peoples of Donetsk and Lugansk have been suffering from the relentless attacks of the Kyiv armed forces in years. The CPP warns that the people of Ukraine will also suffer as a result of the fascist Kyiv state waging war against the Donbass region, forcing the Ukrainian people and soldiers into an unjust war of genocide, aggression and territorial occupation. “There is danger that the flames of war in Ukraine and Europe will spread and bring gross suffering to the workers and people in the region.”