Marcos Jr., number one IHL violator
- Published: 04 March 2024 04 March 2024
Vol. VI, No. 4 - February 29, 2024
Consecutive cases of civilian killings and bombings by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) were recorded in Bohol, Cagayan Valley, Masbate, Negros Occidental and Panay Island over the past few weeks. Under the leadership of their commander-in-chief Marcos Jr, the AFP is on a literal ‘killing spree’ as they violate international rules of war one after another.
Charter Change: ‘Trojan Horse’ to perpetuate political dynasties in power
- Published: 16 February 2024 16 February 2024
Amidst the urgency to address systemic landlessness and widespread poverty in the country, the Marcos ruling clique chose instead to renew and fund a public campaign that aims to amend the Government of the Republic of the Philippines’ (GRP) constitution. At its core, this push to change the constitution (often called Charter Change or ChaCha) aims to surrender economic sovereignty to foreign capital and perpetuate political dynasties in power.
Read more: Charter Change: ‘Trojan Horse’ to perpetuate political dynasties in power
The New People's Army will outlast the US-Marcos regime
- Published: 29 January 2024 29 January 2024
Vol. VI, No. 02 - 31 January 2024
A few days ago, Col. Francel Margareth Padilla started her work as new spokesperson of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) by repeating the annual AFP announcement that the fascist military “will eliminate the New People’s Army by the end of the year.” She issued her statement just days after Marcos, their commander-in-chief, declared that “there are no more NPA fronts.”
Read more: The New People's Army will outlast the US-Marcos regime
CPP’s call for rectification does not run counter to objectives of GRP-NDFP peace negotiations
- Published: 16 January 2024 16 January 2024
Volume VI, No. 01 - January 15, 2024
Last December, National Security Council assistant director Jonathan Malaya questioned the (Communist Party of the Philippines – New People’s Army – National Democratic Front) CPP-NPA-NDF’s motives for engaging in peace talks with (Government of the Republic of the Philippines) GRP saying he was “very perplexed and disappointed” of the CPP’s recent statement reiterating the call for a Party-wide rectification movement.
It is worth noting that the CPP’s statement reiterated a process that began as early as 2016 after the 2nd Party congress. The aim of the rectification movement is to further strengthen the Party by “raising the theoretical knowledge and revolutionary practice of Party cadres” and to overcome “weaknesses and shortcomings in the ideological, political and organizational fields.”
Contrary to the NSC’s insinuation, the Party’s call for rectification does not run counter to the objectives of the GRP-NDFP peace negotiations. The peace negotiations serve as a venue to pursue systemic and deep socio-economic reforms – an endeavor that is fully aligned with addressing poverty and landlessness which are at the root of armed conflict.
In fact, the CPP fully supports the possible resumption of formal peace talks and, in their statement, even called to strengthen the NDFP’s representation in peace negotiations to pursue just and lasting peace. The CPP referred to the NDFP’s authority to represent the people’s democratic government as the most consolidated underground united front organization united under the leadership of the Party.
The NSC’s questioning of the NDFP’s sincerity in the peace talks exposes their own militarist framework that aims to force the revolutionary movement to surrender instead of genuinely discussing and pursuing solutions to achieve just and lasting peace. The NDFP has restated multiple times that the aim of peace negotiations must be to address the demands of the toiling Filipino masses.
The CPP and the NDFP considers the peace negotiations as an additional battleground, albeit unarmed, to advance the people’s democratic demands. The NDFP rejects any notion that misrepresents the peace negotiations as a ‘negotiation for surrender.’ The NDFP reiterates its commitment and full intent to engage in peace talks with the GRP with the aim of asserting genuine land reform, national industrialization, social justice, and true democracy.
Peace talks must focus on addressing the real roots of civil war
- Published: 25 December 2023 25 December 2023
Volume 5, No. 24 - December 31, 2023
Gibo Teodoro’s head-scratching insinuation that the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) was willing to surrender is simply untrue. To say that this is the basis for the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) agreeing to explore the resumption of peace negotiations is also incorrect.
Read more: Peace talks must focus on addressing the real roots of civil war